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4c Base 4c O5

libBase4c is a re-imagined-from-scratch version of libRFC. It makes greater use of the Standard Template Library, whereas libRFC uses linked lists to implement collections. It does not support the libRFC database connectivity classes, preferring libRFCDal. Finally, it has no support for XML, as such support is now available from a large selection of both open source and proprietary libraries.

libBase4c is released under two licensing models, GPL and commercial. If your project fully complies with the GPL, the library is free to use and to re-distribute. If, on the other hand, you wish to re-distribute libBase4c as part of a commercial or proprietary product, licensing terms can be arranged to permit this.

Data Abstraction 4c O5

libRFCDal performs a similar task to ODBC, however, it implements a direct interface to the database client library, rather than using the additional ODBC abstraction layer. In addition to the abstraction, it also handles the odd language quirks of different SQL databases, making it far easier to port an application between different database servers.

Originally part of the Revelation Foundation Classes, it was separated into its own distinct project so that it could be re-written to take advantage of other more modern technologies without impacting the RFC.

libRFCDal is released under two different licensing models and in three different flavours. It is available under the GPL and a Commercial license, with an additional 'Enterprise' licensing model.

If your project fully complies with the GPL, the library is free to use and to re-distribute. It includes support for ODBC, Postgres, SQLite and MySQL provided that you are connecting to the MySQL Community Server.

The Commercial version permits re-distribution as part of a commercial or proprietary product and permits connection to other MySQL and MySQL-like database engines. The Enterprise version provides the same functionality and rights as the Commercial version, plus, it adds support for Oracle, DB/2 and Informix databases.

The DAL class generator tool that ships with the development package is used to examine a database schema and generate classes for each table in that schema. A database with twenty tables can be rendered into a fully functional class library in under five minutes, a huge saving of time and effort compared with manually writing code for each table.

The Revelation Foundation Class Library RFC5

The 4c Company took over the maintenance of the Revelation Foundation Classes™ in 1995. Originally a single library, this was split into two distinct products, the legacy libRFC foundation class library and the database abstraction layer classes, libRFCDal.

libRFC is released under two licensing models, GPL and commercial. If your project fully complies with the GPL, the library is free to use and to re-distribute. If, on the other hand, you wish to re-distribute libRFC as part of a commercial or proprietary product, licensing terms can be arranged to permit this.

Downloads 4c O5


All these APIs are available for download from one of our repositories:
OpenSUSE Leap 15.2
CentOS 7
CentOS 8


We are currently re-structuring our Windows build and QA environments, but these products will soon be available for download again.

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